Find the closest match to a reference number in a row of unsorted



Data is random in nature and unsorted. Generally between 10 and 100, two
decimal precision (see below). How do I find the position of the entry
closest a given value, say 45.11

45.54 45.56 45.32 45.5 45.42 45.35 45.46 45.4 44.97 45 45.05

Niek Otten

With your data in A1:K1:


Array-entered, which means commit with CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER instead of just with

In the formula bar, the formula will appear in curly brackets, to prove it
is an array formula

Sandy Mann


Your formula returns the position of the lowest number for me even if one of
the given numbers is 45.11. Should the range subtractions not be enclosed
in ABS() functions as in:



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