Find & Replace



I am updating a table that has 125,000 records. It is required to replace a
Field with a particular value; Say for instance Field name Flag. All the
records have to to be updated with "U" in Flag field.

I use the Find & Replace window to do the updation. I find that at the first
instance only 9489 records gets updated. I have to conitue repeat using "find
& replace" window 14 times for the entire table to get updated.

Is there a way to update at singe strike of the enter key. (without using
update query)


Hi Ananth - why not an Update Query? It's the Access method of doing exactly
what you want to do!
Yours - Dika


I am curious to know, why Access restricts replacement to 9489 records. Is
there a way to tweak this limit. I am concerned that when I do a blind
updation using find & replace, some records will not get updated.


Hi Ananth - can't help with why the restriction, but I use Update queries in
all of my systems, one which does one things in 'steps', in that it does one
thing and alters a flag to 1, then does another thing and updates to 2, etc.
This system is used daily on 5 different back end users constantly updating
data to a front end DB. We have had other minor problems, but never with the
Update Queries.
Yours -- Dika

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