.find not finding corect value



Why would .find return a bad match?
in the named range , first column there is a list of dates from 1/1/2007 to
12/31/2007. all varables are getting correct data.
call sub yr =2007
dt = 1/1/2007
First column in first row = 1/1/2007
but find returns rc = 306 which is 11/1/2007

Sub PostSales(yr As String)
'Module for posting current sales
Dim rn As String ' named range holder
Dim rc As String ' row count holder
Dim ry As String 'worksheet name holder
Dim dt As Date 'date of posting

Application.ScreenUpdating = False

ry = "sales " & yr 'set worksheet
rn = "sales" & yr 'set named range

dt = Worksheets("daily").Range("b2").Value
'gets posting date

With Range(rn) ' range to use

.Select 'here for testing only remove after testing
rc = .Find(dt).Rows.Row
'get row number of match

End With

With Worksheets(ry)
'posts actual data to sales sheet
.Range("a" & rc).Value = Worksheets("daily").Range("b2").Value
.Range("b" & rc).Value = Worksheets("daily").Range("b3").Value
.Range("c" & rc).Value = Worksheets("daily").Range("b4").Value
.Range("d" & rc).Value = Worksheets("daily").Range("b5").Value
.Range("e" & rc).Value = Worksheets("daily").Range("b6").Value
.Range("f" & rc).Value = Worksheets("daily").Range("b8").Value
.Range("g" & rc).Value = Worksheets("daily").Range("b9").Value
.Range("h" & rc).Value = Worksheets("daily").Range("d7").Value
.Range("i" & rc).Value = Worksheets("daily").Range("b27").Value
.Range("j" & rc).Value = Worksheets("daily").Range("e16").Value
.Range("k" & rc).Value = Worksheets("daily").Range("e46").Value
.Range("l" & rc).Value = Worksheets("daily").Range("e21").Value

End With

Worksheets("daily").Range("b2").Value = dt + 1
'set date on entry screen to next day
Application.ScreenUpdating = True

End Sub


Never mind found the problem
did not specify LookIn:=xlValues, lookat:=xlWhole
Worked correctly after that

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