Find missing Records / Stores



I have 3 tables - Stores, Memos, and Memos Received

Once we send a memo, we request stores to fax us back a signed copy of the

Memos - include date
Stores - are the list of stores in the chain
Memos Received - have the Memo, Store and Date received

I'm trying to create a query / report that shows a Memo and what stores are
MISSING (that are not in the Memos received table).

I am also trying to create a query / report that lists by Store the Memos
still need to be faxed back.

Please help


First, you would create a query of the memos received table and in the field
for memo received, in the criteria of that field write Is Not Null. That
would get you the stores that have a missing memo. I don't know the structure
of your data to advise you how to do your report, but you would create a
query of that data, find out which memos have been faxed (by using IS NULL or
IS NOT NULL), then create your report from that query.


The issue is, for example: If there are stores 15, 16, 17
and Memos named: Carts, Jeans
Store 15, 16 Responded to "Carts"
Store 16, 17 Responded to "Jeans"

I need to know for memo "Jeans" - that Store 15 didn't Respond
for memo "Carts" - Store 17 didn't respond


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