Find MIN value in filtered list



I have a large data set which is filtered based on a
variety of criteria. In each scenario I am attempting to
find the MIN value within a column of the filtered data
set. Unfortunately, the Excel MIN function does not
recognize the effect of the filter. Any suggestions? Thank

Frank Kabel

Hi Mark
have a look at the SUBTOTAL function. e.g.

Peo Sjoblom



look in help and you will find the different subtotal
MAX is 4 instead of 5, sum is 9...

Frank Kabel

Hi Peo
but wouldn't that include also the filtered rows?. I would use

but maybe i'm missing something :)


THANK YOU! That is precisely what I was looking for. Not
very intuitive function...

Peo Sjoblom


I am using a US version of Excel and there is no 105 option there..
It's 1 - 9

Frank Kabel

Hi Peo
now that is interesting: Using Excel 2003, German version there is this
option. Thhe difference between both is
- Option 105 does not include hidden rows (using 'Format - Row - Hide')
- Option 5 does include hidden rows

Though in this case both options return the same as the OP did not hide
any rows but applies only a filter

Peo Sjoblom

Actually you are correct, I remember now that excel 2003 has that,
the problem is that it will return a value error on earlier versions.
I only have 2003 installed on one machine at home due to the nasty help in
Office 2003.
I really hate the help function in 2003 so I removed it from all my
computers except one..
But you are correct on 2003 the 1-9 is for all hidden cells either by filter
or format>hide
and the 3 digit ones are for non format>hide

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