Find Method and Private Meetings



How does the Find Method treat meetings marked as private? Does it ignore
them or retrieve non-confidential information like a start, end and free/busy

Tx Tad


Are you searching on your own items or those in another calendar? Those
properties will be available if they are your own Appointments, but you can
only retrieve what you can see in the actual Appointment Item if they are
marked private and you did not create it.



Thanks for replying. It seems to me that the way that the OOM ignores
private appointments for other calendars is flawed. Certainly you don't need
to see the intimate details of the private appointment but on the other hand,
you certainly do want to know that the appointment exists because it could
reduce the available times to meet with that person. In Outlook 2003's
calendar view you can see a placeholder for a private appointment in another
person's calendar but you can't see the details. The Find method should work
the same way. Right now, it appears to be too limited.

What is even more interesting is that Redemption now has a
GetActivitiesForTimeRange method that is similar to OOM Find except that it
ignores the fact that appointments are private and retrieves all attributes
anyway. While this may sound off alarm bells, at least you can limit what
attributes are displayed by your code.



When I use Find on another person's calendar folder their private items are
not in the items collection returned by this method.


You're right - my bad - I was being lazy <shame>. However, I haven't
definitively been able to reproduce this yet because I'm not sure my filter
is returning what it should and my test data is limiting me (my boss'

I did notice that if I created a View on the Shared Calendar that private
appointments were being excluded as well! That's odd - I need to do some
more digging - I'll get back to you.

Eric Legault - Outlook MVP, MCDBA, MCTS (SharePoint programming, etc.)
Try Picture Attachments Wizard for Outlook:



There's no shame when you took the trouble to revisit the issue. It's clear
that the behaviour of Find is not straightforward so I look forward to the
results of your further testing.

From my obervations in the Outlook calendar window, private appointments in
another user's calendar are visible in the graphical calendar view but only
as a placeholder with the words Private Appointment (this is what I would
expect) but not in the tabular views (this is wrong in my view).


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