find matching text



I have two separate columns with names. How do I find the matches in each
columns, and list them in a separate column. I am doing a comparison of
donators from one year to another.

Harlan Grove

mnorton822 said:
I have two separate columns with names. How do I find the matches in each
columns, and list them in a separate column. I am doing a comparison of
donators from one year to another.

If BOTH lists have only distinct names (e.g., all your John Smiths have some
additional identifier to ensure they're distinguishable from each other),
you could add columns of formulas to the right of each. In the cell to the
right of the topmost cell in the first list (I'll assume it's A2) enter the


then double click the fill handle (the square in the bottom-right corner of
the active cell's border) to fill it down. You can now select the augmented
range containing the list and the column of formulas and autofilter on the
column of formulas - TRUE values indicate individuals in the first list who
also appear in the second list.

Similarly for the second list. It its topmost cell were D2, enter


then double click the fill handle. Autofilter this augmented range on the
column of formulas - TRUE values indicate individuals in the second lost who
also appear in the first list.

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