Find & Extract




I have a list of all mail return data where there is would be a mail i

"The original message was received at Tue, 22 Jun 2004 19:21:4
+0530from [] ----- The following addresses ha
permanent fatal errors -----<[email protected]> (reason
User unknown) ----- Transcript of session follows -----No user b
that name.550 5.1.1 <[email protected]>... User unknown"

Is there a formula where in I can find the e-mail id and it wil
extract the same to a new sheet ?



Hi Lucas!

Here's one way. This formula searches for "<" and ">" and
returns everything between. So, if the email addresses are
always enclosed in <>, it will work:


-----Original Message-----

I have a list of all mail return data where there is would be a mail id

"The original message was received at Tue, 22 Jun 2004 19:21:47
+0530from [] ----- The following addresses had
permanent fatal errors -----

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