Find Current Group problem




I'm having trouble with this bit of code I'm using getting the error...

"User-defined type not defined"

....on Dim wk As Workspace. Please advise why I may be getting this and how
I can fix it. Thanks...

Function IsUserInGroup(strUser As String, strGroup As String) As Boolean
'Returns True if the user is in the group.
'Example: IsUserInGroup(CurrentUser(), "AdminUser")
Dim wk As Workspace
Dim grx As Groups
Dim grp As Group
Dim usx As Users
Dim usr As User

Set grx = DBEngine(0).Groups
For Each grp In grx
If grp.Name = strGroup Then
Set usx = grp.Users
For Each usr In usx
If usr.Name = strUser Then
IsUserInGroup = True
Exit For
End If
End If

Set usr = Nothing
Set usx = Nothing
Set grp = Nothing
Set grx = Nothing
End Function

Rob Oldfield

You need a reference to a DAO library. Tools, References from a code window
and tick Microsoft DAO.

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