Find Button in Form that looks at another table



Hi there, I have a form where people can input data, but I also want a button
that will act as a search facility for the users.

This button will then search within another table other than the one the
form is built on. I can get it to work with a query, but my second problem is
that if I want to search for a line in the table with 'Pain' in it, it will
only return values that start with 'Pain' and not for example 'Non-Specified


Allen Browne

There could be several matches, Andy, so how about filtering the form so it
contains just the people who have the word Pain in the other table?

This example assumes:
- Your form is bound to tblClient, with ClientID as primary key.
- The other table is called tblClientSymptom, and has a matching ClientID.

Me.Filter = "EXISTS (SELECT ID FROM tblClientSymptom " & _
"WHERE (tblClientSymptom.ClientID = tblClient.ClientID) " & _
"AND (Symptom Like ""*Pain*""))"
Me.Filter = True

The query inside the EXISTS () is called a subquery. More info:
How to Create and Use Subqueries

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