Find and Replace Exact Match



Good Morning,

I'm feeling rather dumb this morning and have a somewhat simple question -

At the end of a rather long set of code, I have 30 find and replace features
that will essentially convert mixed sets of text/numbers into the correct
"Title". The problem I am running into is that some of the shorter sets of
mixed characters are contained within the longer sets, so those get replaced
but not in their entirety.

For instance;

Find "Red,," = Replace with "Immediate"
Find "Red,,blue" = Replace with "Possible"

So, in the current order this will create "Immediate" on the top example,
but "Immediateblue" on the second example.

Is there a way to change find and replace to find and replace if cell
matches exactly or should I just change the order around so that the longest
strings come first?

Helmut Weber

Hi Katie,

for a better answer at least I would need more examples.

In the paticular case of
Find "Red,," = Replace with "Immediate"
Find "Red,,blue" = Replace with "Possible"

just change the order to
Find "Red,,blue" = Replace with "Possible"
Find "Red,," = Replace with "Immediate"

Maybe that is just the simplest solution.


Helmut Weber, MVP WordVBA

"red.sys" & chr$(64) & ""
Win XP, Office 2003 (US-Versions)

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