Find An HTML Control

  • Thread starter OldButStillLearning
  • Start date


How do you find an HTML control that is placed on an HTML page? I presume
that you have to add the runat="server" to the HTML element..but then how do
you find that element?

Leon Mayne

OldButStillLearning said:
How do you find an HTML control that is placed on an HTML page? I presume
that you have to add the runat="server" to the HTML element..but then how
you find that element?

If you add runat="server" then you can access it using its Id:


<table runat="server" ID="tblMyTable">


Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
tblMyTable.Border = 1
End Sub

Scott Roberts

Give it an ID="MyControl".

Then you can "find" it by using the FindControl() method. Or, just access it

MyControl.Style = "color: red;"

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