Find all rows of a color and copy those rows to a new worksheet



I have a workbook that contains a couple of different worksheets. One of the
worksheets represents a master data sheet. I have a user that updates that
sheet with project for the various groups within the company. All of the
projects go on this single sheet. Right now what the user does is copy the
projects from the master worksheet to the other departmental worksheets. I
would like to automate the copy portion of her task. Currently the master
worksheet is color coded by department. I would like to copy the projects
based on their color to the appropriate department worksheet. My question has
a couple of parts. Would it be easier to find all of the “blue†projects and
simple replace the existing rows on the blue departments sheet or the way I
would prefer to do it is find the blue projects, compare with the data
currently on the blue worksheet and if it’s a new item then copy the entire
row and paste that row on the blue worksheet.

I’m looking for help with the code for this as well as what makes more sense.


Wouldn't that require that any one looking at the schedule would also need
this add in installed? There could be a hundred people who could potentially
look at the schedule so having to ask everyone to install this add in
wouldn't work. I really need to add some code that does what I need when the
workbook is opened. Thanks for the suggestion though.

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