Find 2nd, 3rd, etc Result with index/match



To lookup data I use INDEX MATCH in an unsorted sheet,

I can only find the 1st Result,

How con I look for 2nd, 3rd, etc result

I tried looking in other post, but I couldn't find anything

Any help would be appreciated very much



Try this:-


This looks up a value found in G1 in Column A of an Array A2-F500.

The last 2 numbers are the significant ones. The 2 tells it to rurn the
value from column 2 and the 4 tell it to return the 4th instance of the value
in G1. Change the for to suit. It's an array so Ctrl+Shift+Enter



Assuming your data is in A1:G100
and you want to put your match in H1
and the Match list in AA1:AG??

in Z1
in Z2

copy Z2 and p[aste down to more rows than you expect to have matches
in AA1
=if($Z1="","",index(AA$1, Z$1,1)
Copy and paste to AG??

alternately you might be able to use advanced filter

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