Finally, a SIMPLE solution for Excel file Consolidation

  • Thread starter Derek Cardinell |
  • Start date

Derek Cardinell |

After reading about everyone's search for a consolidation program for
Excel sheets and replying to individual posts I decided to create a
new topic to let everyone know about a BRAND NEW consolidation
software on the market.

After 10 years of production a new standard in the way Excel files are
consolidated is finally here!!

The following 4 features make up the heart and soul of Consolidate!

Consolidation is Automatic
* Whole Spreadsheets merged across files
* No linking formulas, macros, add-ins, or programming
* Stand alone application, without intermediate databases
* Real Consolidation, not simple aggregation
* Any number of levels of consolidation
* Files do NOT have to be opened

Change Many Files in One Operation (a program all by itself)
* Changes made to once Excel file are replicated to all files in
* Edits made without errors or missed files
* Files do not have to be opened

A View Across Files
* Works like a pivot table across files
* View consolidated results and base level data
* Reports easy to specify and save
* Reports written to new Excel file

Automatic Currency Conversion
* Convert any currency to any other currency in a single step
* Any number of currency types for specific accounts....Average, Spot,
* No intermediate spreadsheets needed
* No programming required, conversion protocol already in place

I really hope this can be of help for people that have had to deal
with the time consuming, tediousness of normal Excel file

Take Care Everyone :-D
Derek Cardinell
North America Distributor
(e-mail address removed)
(303) 241-5561

Bob Phillips

Derek Cardinell | said:
After reading about everyone's search for a consolidation program for
Excel sheets and replying to individual posts ....

That's odd. I have searched Google and the only post I can find from
yourself is this one ...

Derek Cardinell

Hi Bob, Mike, and Robin,

I just joined the google groups and I was speaking about other forums
where people were requesting helping with consolidating their numerous
excel files together. So I figured I would put a posting on to google
groups becuase I could reach a larger audience.

As of this moment there is only a powerpoint presentation of the
software on the company website, but if anyone is interested we could
very easily put up a demo version of the software that lets you play
around with test data. Robin I know exactly how you feel. As soon as I
think that a piece of software might be what I am looking for I prefer
to just try playing with it to see what it can do.

It really is an incredibly powerful, yet simple tool and once you have a
chance to play with it I think you'll agree.

Take Care,
Derek Cardinell
(e-mail address removed)
(303) 241-5561

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