Filtering Slides By Date


Paul Sweeting


I'm a bit of a novice at Powerpoint and have absolutely no VB/Visual Studio
skills but I can follow instructions well. We have a presentation displayed
in our office for general information and news in which we need to display
which measurement trains (we work in railway maintenance) are recording which
sections of track on a daily basis.

As this is timetabled I thought it would be a good idea to make the slides
in advance and then only show the relevant slide based on what day of the
week it is. Is this possible? I found a pretty in depth guide to do something
similar here

but if there is something easier, I'm all for that.


John Wilson


Do you need this to be "automatic" ie press play and the "correct" slides
run. This wouyld need a vba AddIn


Is it adequate to have a first slide with a button for each day and press
that to run the correct slides? Can be done with Custom Show feature.
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Paul Sweeting

Ideally it does need to be automatic. Mainly due to the fact that if I'm not
around, I really doubt anyone will be bothered to select the day manually.

I've found a plugin called PlanPoint that looks as if it may be just what I
need. I'll have a play with it and update this thread.

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