Filtering columns within VB


Darin Kramer

HI guys,

an extract of my vb is below:

With Sheets("Master").Range("A2:fs168")
.AutoFilter Field:=11, Criteria1:="Y"
.AutoFilter Field:=39, Criteria1:="N"
.AutoFilter Field:=40, Criteria1:="N"
.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Copy _

Basically I need to obtain all instances of Y in field 11, and ANY
Instance of N in field 39 and 40 (and other fields)
So for eg if a record has the following properties :

11 - Y
39 - Y
40 - n

The above filter will not work as within field 39 there is a Y. I need
the filter to be OR, ie if a N within 39 or 40 then show it.

I cant use advanced filters as I need this to be run through VB and to
have this copied to another sheet (plus couldent get advanced filters to
produce the result...?)

Too complicated...???



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