Filtered Report Not Working



Okay, I am working on a student database. Here is how it is set up,
specifically related to this problem...

1. StudentContactInfo table/form This includes an "Inactive" yes/no field
for when students are no longer in the program.

2. ECSProgram table/form. This is the 'meat and bones' of the database
with all the students' records. This is includes the StudentID, FirstName,
LastName etc. When StudentID is chosen, the other fields are autmatically
entered from the contact table, also stored in the ECSProgram table.

The students will receive certificates for extra workshops. So:

3. I have a Query called SignLanguage. It includes the ECSProgram fields:
FirstName, LastName and SignLanguage (a yes/no if they have the course) as
well as the StudentContactInfo field Inactive. It returns all Active
students who do NOT have the sign language course. This seems to be working

4. I have a SignLanguage Form based on the Query in #3. Also works fine.
It shows the SignLanguage yes/no field and FirstName & LastName. User clicks
on the people who have completed the course and this is stored in the
ECSProgram database. This also works fine.

5. I have a Report that is the Sign Language certificate. It is based on
the Query in #3. It seems to work fine (i.e. brings back all active students
without the course).

Problem arises here:
6. There is a button on the form in #4 that is supposed to print the
report/certificate for everyone checked off on the form. I have had it based
on a macro that filters report by checked items on the form, and have also
tried placing the filter on the report itself. It only brings up one blank
report/certificate. I have had the form open at all times, and even tried
running it with the query open as well.

Any ideas?



I suppose the code behind the button looks something like:

docmd.openreport "reportname"

Have you tried placing a filter here

Docmd.openreport "reportname",,[checkboxname]=false

(where checkbox is the name of your chk)


Didn't work - It either get all or nothing, but i was able to find another
way to do it. :)

Thanks for trying!

Maurice said:
I suppose the code behind the button looks something like:

docmd.openreport "reportname"

Have you tried placing a filter here

Docmd.openreport "reportname",,[checkboxname]=false

(where checkbox is the name of your chk)
Maurice Ausum

cprav said:
Okay, I am working on a student database. Here is how it is set up,
specifically related to this problem...

1. StudentContactInfo table/form This includes an "Inactive" yes/no field
for when students are no longer in the program.

2. ECSProgram table/form. This is the 'meat and bones' of the database
with all the students' records. This is includes the StudentID, FirstName,
LastName etc. When StudentID is chosen, the other fields are autmatically
entered from the contact table, also stored in the ECSProgram table.

The students will receive certificates for extra workshops. So:

3. I have a Query called SignLanguage. It includes the ECSProgram fields:
FirstName, LastName and SignLanguage (a yes/no if they have the course) as
well as the StudentContactInfo field Inactive. It returns all Active
students who do NOT have the sign language course. This seems to be working

4. I have a SignLanguage Form based on the Query in #3. Also works fine.
It shows the SignLanguage yes/no field and FirstName & LastName. User clicks
on the people who have completed the course and this is stored in the
ECSProgram database. This also works fine.

5. I have a Report that is the Sign Language certificate. It is based on
the Query in #3. It seems to work fine (i.e. brings back all active students
without the course).

Problem arises here:
6. There is a button on the form in #4 that is supposed to print the
report/certificate for everyone checked off on the form. I have had it based
on a macro that filters report by checked items on the form, and have also
tried placing the filter on the report itself. It only brings up one blank
report/certificate. I have had the form open at all times, and even tried
running it with the query open as well.

Any ideas?


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