Filter question



You don't need to be familiar with Hebrew dates, this is a
filter question.

I would like to have a report for all 3th birthday by
Hebrew birthday
like 12/1/03 = 6 Kislev 5764
This report should include only birthdays for the next 2
weeks according to Hebrew birthdays.

The Active X control I'm using, has 4 options,

On the form I use 2 text boxes to get the converted date

DConv.HebrewDateIn = CStr(HDOB & "")
DOB = DConv.ComDateOut

Dconv is the Active X control.

This converter is exporting the dates, as a text format
not a date format. So I can't use the Date() function.

How can I filter this to get only for the next to weeks.
On my Query I use a function that gives me the Hebrew 3th

I was thinking about adding a hidden text box on the
report named "MyComDateOut" and use somthig like
DConv.HebrewDateIn = CStr(HDOB & "")
MyComDateOut = DConv.ComDateOut
Then filter the MyComDateOut field.

Now let me explain my question, I can't find any property
on the report to indicate
DConv.HebrewDateIn = CStr(HDOB & "")

This function has to be done for each line.

Can anyone please help me?


Greg Kraushaar

Why not store the dates as normal, and convert them on output.
That way you can use all the inbuilt date arithemtic commands.

Just write two Function HebrewToWestern(strHebrewDate as string)
and WesternToHebrew(dtm as date)

I seem to recall there is a foreign language version (Hebrew Obviously
that has these built in)

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