Filter a pivot table with large number of unique items in the filterlist



My issue is pretty similar to:

I have a pivot table and i want to filter items programatically. The
number of items in the pivot table are 15000, and i want to choose
20,and deselect the rest.
i tried it using the code below, it works but it is amazingly slow. It
takes abt 20-30 minutes to do the same.

explanation of the code -
the range - rgClass refers to the config space, which i use to
configure sheet name, pivottable name and field name.
rgNew is the range where the actual items to filter are stored.
then i try to loop through the sheet, and set all pivot items to
false, then i loop the items in the rgnew range, and try to set them
to visible in the pivot table.

This works, but can you help me with a better way of doing this? The
user will not sit for 20 minutes, waiting for the pivot to refresh.

I also tried :
Dim strIDs(5) As String
strIDs(0) = "1"
strIDs(1) = "2"
strIDs(2) = "3"
strIDs(3) = "4"
strIDs(4) = "5"

Dim pt As PivotTable
Dim pi As PivotItem
Dim pf As PivotField

Set pt =
Set pf = pt.PivotFields("Company_ID")
pf.VisibleItemsList = strIDs
but this did not work. I guess it only works with cubes?

Here's the code:
Sub ApplyPivotFilter()
'On Error Resume Next

On Error Resume Next

Dim strStartCell, strStartTicker, strMainSheet As String
strStartCell = "Y1"
strStartTicker = "B22"
strMainSheet = "Control"

Dim rgNew, rgClass As Range
Dim intLoop, intMax, intClass As Integer
Dim strSheet, strPivot, strFilter As String

intLoop = 1
intClass = 0

Application.ScreenUpdating = False

Set rgClass = Sheets(strMainSheet).Range(strStartCell).Offset(0,
Set rgNew = Sheets(strMainSheet).Range(strStartTicker)
' If rgClass.Offset(0, intClass) <> "" Then
Do While rgClass.Offset(0, intClass) <> ""

strSheet = rgClass.Offset(0, intClass)
strPivot = rgClass.Offset(1, intClass)
strFilter = rgClass.Offset(2, intClass)

'Set rgNew = rgNew.Offset(0, intClass)
'Set rgNew = rgClass.Offset(3, intClass)

Set rgNew = Sheets(strMainSheet).Range(strStartTicker)

If strSheet <> "" And strPivot <> "" And strFilter <> "" And
rgNew.Value <> "" Then

Sheets(strSheet).PivotTables(strPivot).PivotFields(strFilter). _
EnableMultiplePageItems = True

If UCase(rgNew.Value) <> UCase("(All)") Then

Dim pt As PivotTable
Dim pi As PivotItem
Dim pf As PivotField

Set pt = Sheets(strSheet).PivotTables(strPivot)
Set pf = pt.PivotFields(strFilter)

pt.ManualUpdate = False
pt.ManualUpdate = True

' For Each pi In pf.PivotItems
' pi.Visible = False
' Next pi

For Each pi In pf.PivotItems
If pi = rgNew.Value Then
pi.Visible = True
pi.Visible = False
End If
Next pi

pt.ManualUpdate = False

'intMax = rgNew.CurrentRegion.Rows.Count
Do While rgNew.Value <> ""

.PivotItems(rgNew.Value).Visible = True
End With
Set rgNew = rgNew.Offset(1, 0)
'intLoop = intLoop + 1
End If
End If
intClass = intClass + 1
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub


You'v got this bit of code

pt.ManualUpdate = False
pt.ManualUpdate = True

' For Each pi In pf.PivotItems
' pi.Visible = False
' Next pi

For Each pi In pf.PivotItems
If pi = rgNew.Value Then
pi.Visible = True
pi.Visible = False
End If
Next pi

pt.ManualUpdate = False

why are you setting pt.ManualUpdate = true

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