filling a forumla down a column from data across a row



Hi. I guess this problem I have is what pivot tables might be for, but I'm
hoping there's something easier to do when it's a somewhat small amount of

1. First problem:

I have data running left to right (A1, B1, C1, etc.) with a column
represeting each state. I want to drag a formula that is essentially
"=A1/1000" from the top of a new column down to the bottom with each state's
data in row 1 being given this treatment. Natrually, the computer reads this
and fills in A1/1000, A2/1000, A3/1000. I can write A$1/1000, but then each
line just fills in with the result of A1/1000. How do I make the 1 stay the
same, but the Alpha part of the cell name change?

2. I also have data running top to bottom (A1, A2, A3, etc.) with a row for
each state. Thus, there's a diagnol line of data from A1, B2, C3, D4, etc.
where each state is represented in both the column and row. I need to have a
column of data that sums the row (B1:B50), but substracts the relevant cell
in the diagnol. In this case B2. Any thoughts?

-Doug Hess


1. =OFFSET($A$1,,ROW(1:1)-1)/1000

copied down will increment across



copied down will increment and sum each column and subtract each intersection
for the same states

Note that this is adapted where the table is A1:AY51 and the data starts in B2
states are in A2:A51 and same states in B1:AY1


Peo Sjoblom

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