Fill Transparency shows up as solid



Using PowerPoint XP, I created a presentation which contains Action
Buttons that overlay other graphics. The buttons are highlighted by
setting a Fill Color and Transparency level to make them show up as
see-through. This presentation needs to be exported to other PC's for

Problem: The transparencies are displayed as SOLIDS when the
presentation is viewed on another PC using non-XP PowerPoint version.
I've tried saving it as *.PPT, a *.PPS show, a "Pack and Go" package
which uses MS "PowerPoint Viewer 97", and as HTML (HTML works with the
Action Buttons but none of the timers work.).

Anyone have a solution to this other than going back in to the PPT and
changing hundreds of button backgrounds?


Steve Rindsberg

Using PowerPoint XP, I created a presentation which contains Action
Buttons that overlay other graphics. The buttons are highlighted by
setting a Fill Color and Transparency level to make them show up as
see-through. This presentation needs to be exported to other PC's for

Problem: The transparencies are displayed as SOLIDS when the
presentation is viewed on another PC using non-XP PowerPoint version.
I've tried saving it as *.PPT, a *.PPS show, a "Pack and Go" package
which uses MS "PowerPoint Viewer 97", and as HTML (HTML works with the
Action Buttons but none of the timers work.).

Anyone have a solution to this other than going back in to the PPT and
changing hundreds of button backgrounds?

It might work to distribute the new PowerPoint 2003 Viewer along with your
show. It'd probably support the new variable transparency feature.

Otherwise, you'll have to change all the buttons, I'm afraid.

But first, try running this on a COPY of your presentation:
It'll check each shape and IF transparency is set to 100%, it'll set it to
0 and give the shape No Fill. Otherwise, no changes.

Sub DeTransparentize()

Dim oSl as Slide
Dim oSh as Shape

For each oSl in activepresentation.slides
for each oSh in oSl.Shapes
' If the shape has 100% transparency, lose the transp.
' and give it no fill instead
if oSh.Fill.Transparency = 1 then
osh.Fill.Transparency = 0
osh.Fill.Visible = msoFalse
end if
Next oSh
Next oSl

End Sub


[Steve Rindsberg]
It might work to distribute the new PowerPoint 2003 Viewer along with
your show. It'd probably support the new variable transparency feature.

Thanks for your quick response and effective help. The "PowerPoint
2003 Viewer" did the trick. I had tried searching for a more current
viewer prior to my posting without success. Your lead set me straight
to it. I'll hang on to your code in case I need to do some global
changes to a future PPT.

For others with this problem, the new viewer can be downloaded for
free from, <>.
Also important is the MS procedure which tells how to substitute this
viewer for the old one (the only option given in PPT "Pack and Go").
'Tain't straightforward. See Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 830286
at, <;en-us;830286>

All the best,

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