Fill the column with the last number



I have 2 columns. Cloumn A has 1 to 100 column B some times has upto 50 rows
filled or sometimes upto 80 ans ometimes upto 100 rows filled.

When Column B is not completley filled how to fill the empty column with the
last entry in that column

for example 1.
cloumn B ends in row # 80 with a number 657 I want to fill the rest of the
rows in column B with 657 up to row #100.

for example 2.
cloumn B ends in row # 60 with a number 6257 I want to fill the rest of the
rows in column B with 6257 up to row #100.

Richard Buttrey

I have 2 columns. Cloumn A has 1 to 100 column B some times has upto 50 rows
filled or sometimes upto 80 ans ometimes upto 100 rows filled.

When Column B is not completley filled how to fill the empty column with the
last entry in that column

for example 1.
cloumn B ends in row # 80 with a number 657 I want to fill the rest of the
rows in column B with 657 up to row #100.

How about B81, =B80 and copied down to B100
for example 2.
cloumn B ends in row # 60 with a number 6257 I want to fill the rest of the
rows in column B with 6257 up to row #100.

ditto B61, =B60 and copied down.

Or am I missing something????


Richard Buttrey
Grappenhall, Cheshire, UK


Thanks for the reply Richard,

Actually I am trying to write a macro . and since I do not know everytime
where does the row ends. so I want to fill the empty rows in column B with
the last number appeared on that column

Gord Dibben


Select the two columns.


Enter an = sign in active cell.

Point to cell above and hit CTRL + ENTER.

You can leave the formulas as is or paste special>values.

Record a macro while doing the steps.

Selection.FormulaR1C1 = "=R[-1]C"

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP


The first part I understood but the 3 line commands you have asked me to do
while recording i am not able to understand. Can you please tell me how do I
get to line 2 and 3 in the command
Selection.FormulaR1C1 = "=R[-1]C"

Thank you

Gord Dibben said:

Select the two columns.


Enter an = sign in active cell.

Point to cell above and hit CTRL + ENTER.

You can leave the formulas as is or paste special>values.

Record a macro while doing the steps.

Selection.FormulaR1C1 = "=R[-1]C"

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP

Thanks for the reply Richard,

Actually I am trying to write a macro . and since I do not know everytime
where does the row ends. so I want to fill the empty rows in column B with
the last number appeared on that column

Gord Dibben

I apologize for the lack of clarity.

The 3 lines of code came from me recording a macro while doing the "first part".

Should read..........

Sub CopyNums()
Selection.FormulaR1C1 = "=R[-1]C"
End Sub


The first part I understood but the 3 line commands you have asked me to do
while recording i am not able to understand. Can you please tell me how do I
get to line 2 and 3 in the command
Selection.FormulaR1C1 = "=R[-1]C"

Thank you

Gord Dibben said:

Select the two columns.


Enter an = sign in active cell.

Point to cell above and hit CTRL + ENTER.

You can leave the formulas as is or paste special>values.

Record a macro while doing the steps.

Selection.FormulaR1C1 = "=R[-1]C"

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP

Thanks for the reply Richard,

Actually I am trying to write a macro . and since I do not know everytime
where does the row ends. so I want to fill the empty rows in column B with
the last number appeared on that column


On Mon, 1 May 2006 13:03:02 -0700, sensor

I have 2 columns. Cloumn A has 1 to 100 column B some times has upto 50 rows
filled or sometimes upto 80 ans ometimes upto 100 rows filled.

When Column B is not completley filled how to fill the empty column with the
last entry in that column

for example 1.
cloumn B ends in row # 80 with a number 657 I want to fill the rest of the
rows in column B with 657 up to row #100.

How about B81, =B80 and copied down to B100

for example 2.
cloumn B ends in row # 60 with a number 6257 I want to fill the rest of the
rows in column B with 6257 up to row #100.

ditto B61, =B60 and copied down.

Or am I missing something????


Richard Buttrey
Grappenhall, Cheshire, UK

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP

Richard Buttrey

Ah, OK.

In testing this I discovered that the SpecialCells(xlCellTypeBlanks)
command only seems to work if either there has previously been data in
B1:B100, or if there is a value in say B101 to delimit the list. Odd

So I suggest the following lines of code

Sub CopytoBlanks
On Error Resume Next
Range("B101") = "last"
Range("B1:B100").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeBlanks).Formula = "=R[-1]C"
End Sub

The On error line will handle the condition where all of B1:B100 is
completely filled.


Thanks for the reply Richard,

Actually I am trying to write a macro . and since I do not know everytime
where does the row ends. so I want to fill the empty rows in column B with
the last number appeared on that column

Richard Buttrey
Grappenhall, Cheshire, UK

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