Fill series problem



I'm a bit embarassed to post this question, but I have been through the
internal help menu of excel and can't figure out why I'm having so much
trouble getting a fill series to work. I'm trying to set up a future
value spreadsheet where cells A5 thru A27 are interest rates and cells
C1 thru I1 are years invested. To set up my progression in the first
row I state "=FV(A5,C1,A1,A2,A3)", and for the second value of the
progression "=FV(A5,D1, A1,A2,A3)". For the second value for
progression of the first column I use "=FV(A6,C1,A1,A2,A3)". Values A5
and A6 are interest rates and values C1 and D1 are the beginning of the
years invested progression. A1,A2 and A3 are the pmt, pv and type
values, respectively. I'm following the instructions for the pull-down
menu exactly (as near as I can tell), but when I perform the fill
function, I get essentially the same caluculation value for each
subsequent cell in the progression. I think I know how to use the fill
series o.k., as I used it to generate the progressions for interest
rate as well as years invested when I constructed the original
sheet.What am I doing wrong?

J.E. McGimpsey

One way:


Take a look at "The difference between absolute and relative
references" in XL Help.

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