Fill method for Dataset


Marc Llenas

Hello all,

I'm new to ASP.NET and I have a question regarding the fill method of a

Here is my code

1 Dim objConn As OleDbConnection
2 Dim objAdapt As OleDbDataAdapter
3 Dim strConn As String
4 Dim strSQL As String
5 Dim objDataSet As New DataSet
7 'Build the connection string
8 strConn = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" &
Server.MapPath("App_data\backend.mdb") & ";Persist Security Info=False"
10 'Build the SQL string
11 strSQL = "SELECT TblProperty.ProID, TblProperty.ProName,
[TblCategory]![CatNumber] & ' Estrellas (' & [TblCategory]![CatStars] & ')'
AS FullCat, [TblProperty]![ProCity] & ' (' & [TblProperty]![ProProvince] &
')' AS FullLocation, TblProperty.ProDescription, TblProperty.ProImagePath,
TblProperty.ProLogo1Path, TblProperty.ProLogo2Path,
TblProperty.ProLogo3Path, TblProperty.ProLogo4Path FROM TblCategory INNER
JOIN TblProperty ON TblCategory.CatID = TblProperty.ProCatID;"
13 'Create the connection and command objects
14 objConn = New OleDbConnection(strConn)
15 objAdapt = New OleDbDataAdapter(strSQL, objConn)
17 'Fill the dataset with the results of the query
18 objAdapt.Fill(objDataSet, "TblProperty")
20 'Set the repeater's source to the dataset and bind the data
21 objRepeater.DataSource = objDataSet.Tables("TblProperty").DefaultView
22 objRepeater.DataBind()

My question is related to line's 18 and 21. In all examples I have reviewed
the SQL string relates to a single table and the name of that table is
refered in those lines.

In my case my SQL sentence has a join so I'm not sure how to go about it.

Any suggestions?



Aboulfazl Hadi

You can use DataTable's TableName property :

objAdapt.Fill(objDataSet, objDataSet.Tables[0].TablenName)

Best Regards,


Hello Mark,

There is nothing wrong with you code. I thing you are getting confused. The
simplest way to understand this is..
When you execute the sql statement you get the resultset which satisfies the
all your join condition, that resultset then get loaded in to dataset.
Think like dataset as basket, where you can store lot of item. The table
name you give in the Fill statement has nothing to do with actual table, you
can specify any name.

Hope its clear now....


Marc Llenas

Gotcha, so the name I give in the Fill statement is like an "alias" to
reference it later on the repeater's DataSource.

Thanks a lot Vinu, I think it's clear now.



vinu said:
Hello Mark,

There is nothing wrong with you code. I thing you are getting confused.
The simplest way to understand this is..
When you execute the sql statement you get the resultset which satisfies
the all your join condition, that resultset then get loaded in to dataset.
Think like dataset as basket, where you can store lot of item. The table
name you give in the Fill statement has nothing to do with actual table,
you can specify any name.

Hope its clear now....


Marc Llenas said:
Hello all,

I'm new to ASP.NET and I have a question regarding the fill method of a

Here is my code

1 Dim objConn As OleDbConnection
2 Dim objAdapt As OleDbDataAdapter
3 Dim strConn As String
4 Dim strSQL As String
5 Dim objDataSet As New DataSet
7 'Build the connection string
8 strConn = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" &
Server.MapPath("App_data\backend.mdb") & ";Persist Security Info=False"
10 'Build the SQL string
11 strSQL = "SELECT TblProperty.ProID, TblProperty.ProName,
[TblCategory]![CatNumber] & ' Estrellas (' & [TblCategory]![CatStars] &
')' AS FullCat, [TblProperty]![ProCity] & ' (' &
[TblProperty]![ProProvince] & ')' AS FullLocation,
TblProperty.ProDescription, TblProperty.ProImagePath,
TblProperty.ProLogo1Path, TblProperty.ProLogo2Path,
TblProperty.ProLogo3Path, TblProperty.ProLogo4Path FROM TblCategory INNER
JOIN TblProperty ON TblCategory.CatID = TblProperty.ProCatID;"
13 'Create the connection and command objects
14 objConn = New OleDbConnection(strConn)
15 objAdapt = New OleDbDataAdapter(strSQL, objConn)
17 'Fill the dataset with the results of the query
18 objAdapt.Fill(objDataSet, "TblProperty")
20 'Set the repeater's source to the dataset and bind the data
21 objRepeater.DataSource = objDataSet.Tables("TblProperty").DefaultView
22 objRepeater.DataBind()

My question is related to line's 18 and 21. In all examples I have
reviewed the SQL string relates to a single table and the name of that
table is refered in those lines.

In my case my SQL sentence has a join so I'm not sure how to go about it.

Any suggestions?



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