Fill-in Forms




I am trying to create a form which I can fill in when my customers are
ordering from me. I have already created a printable form in excel which I
use, but I would like to input the information directly into the
worksheet/form as I ask them for information to input.
If I try to use the form as it is and type in information, if I need more
room, it moves everything over, so if I wanted to print it out it would no
longer be in the format which it was originally created. (example --
everything would shift over to a new page if alot of info. was inputed.)

Jacob Skaria

Are you aware of the below options..

--From menu Format>Cells>Alignment
OR Right click >Formatcells>Alignment

--File>PageSetup>Fit to pages

If this post helps click Yes


Actually, I don't think I was quite clear at what I am attempting to create.
for instance, if I want to find a template of a service form through excel
template, I can find one and use it to fill in information where I want it.
But what I need is to do the same thing, but it needs to fit the needs of my
business. I don't know if I can edit one that is already done.


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