FileSystemObject = User-defined type?



Hi all,

Access 2000, I'm trying to use a code sample to parse the contents of a
directory, but am getting a compile error on

Dim fso As FileSystemObject

Do I need to set a specific reference to use a FileSystemObject??? I've
wasted a good hour searching the web and none of the snippets or samples
mention setting any kind of reference.



Douglas J. Steele

Are you sure you need to use FSO? I've only ever found one case where FSO
could do something that I couldn't do using VBA and/or API calls (the
ability to get the LastUpdated date for a folder)


Good Morning Doug,

What I'm trying to do is populate a table based on the filenames found in a
directory tree, then (hopefully) create a search form so users can find
these files. Files are added (and sometimes moved) by other folks, and we
don't have control over the directory - and it's driving my guys nuts trying
to locate stuff.

Perhaps there is an easier way - but using VBA's Dir function doesn't seem
to return subfolder contents, as does fso - is there some switch or syntax
I'm missing?




Hey Phil!

Long time no see - hope all is well with you and yours! Thanks for the
links - I'm sure they'll be helpful!



Phillip Windell said:
Hoowwdy stranger!

I did these two scripts a couple years ago. They were used in ASP to scan
through files in a folder on a website then look inside the files for
specific things ("Include file" references). But the main thing is that
they do the file/folder recursion and that part of the code should be the

Phillip Windell [MCP, MVP, CCNA]

SusanV said:
Nevermind, was missing the Scripting runtime reference.



Douglas J Steele

It's not intuitive, but yes, Dir can do what you're looking to do.

You need to code a recursive routine. Since you can't nest Dir calls, you
need to store the subfolders in a collection (or an array), and then process
each subfolder once you're done with the files of the parent.

Public Sub ListFilesUsingDir( _
StartDir As String, _
FileList As Collection _

Dim strFile As String
Dim strFolder As String
Dim strSubfolder As String
Dim varFolder As Variant
Dim colSubfolders As Collection

' Ensure the starting folder is
' correctly formatted
strFolder = QualifyFolderPath(StartDir)
If Len(strFolder) > 0 Then

' Add each of the files in the folder
' to the Collection
strFile = Dir$(strFolder & "*.*")
Do While Len(strFile) > 0
FileList.Add strFolder & strFile
strFile = Dir$

' Build a list of subfolders in the folder,
' adding each one to a local collection
Set colSubfolders = New Collection
strSubfolder = Dir$(strFolder, vbDirectory)
Do While Len(strSubfolder) > 0
If (strSubfolder <> ".") And _
(strSubfolder <> "..") Then
If (GetAttr(strFolder & strSubfolder) _
And vbDirectory) = vbDirectory Then
strSubfolder = strFolder & strSubfolder
colSubfolders.Add strSubfolder
End If
End If
strSubfolder = Dir$

' Process each subfolder found above recursively
' Note that you must use a variant when
' enumerating the elements of a collection,
' but our function is expecting a string.
For Each varFolder In colSubfolders
strFolder = varFolder
Call FilesUsingDir(strFolder, FileList)
Next varFolder
End If

End Sub

You'd call this routine using code similar to:

Public Sub dirTest()
Dim colFileList As Collection
Dim intLoop As Integer
Dim strStartDir As String
Dim strMessage As String

strStartDir = "C:\"

Set colFileList = New Collection
Call ListFilesUsingDir( _
strStartDir, colFileList)
If colFileList.Count = 1 Then
strMessage = "There is 1 file under "
strMessage = "There are " & _
colFileList.Count & " files under "
End If
strMessage = strMessage & strStartDir
Debug.Print strMessage
For intLoop = 1 To colFileList.Count
Debug.Print colFileList(intLoop)
Next intLoop
Set colFileList = Nothing

End Sub

QualifyFolderPath, referred to in ListFilesUsingDir above, is simply a
helper function I use to ensure that the folder name ends in a slash:

Function QualifyFolderPath(PathName As String) _
As String

If Len(PathName) > 0 Then
If Right$(PathName, 1) <> "\" Then
QualifyFolderPath = PathName & "\"
QualifyFolderPath = PathName
End If
QualifyFolderPath = ""
End If

End Function


Wow, thanks Doug! Now to wrap my brain around whatall the code is doing

You rock!

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