Filesystemobject Help



I am trying to add files to a folder that already exist,which was working
fine until I found out the the folder name was not TAPECOMPARE,but is Tape
Tracking 05-2005. I have coded strFolder = Left(strfile, Len(strFile
-2),which will remove the date portion of the folder to only show the month.
Now how do I get the month,dash and year to all show up for that folder. Will
I have to hardcode the year in when it changes. The code I am using is listed

Private Sub cmdDone_Click()
Const cstrpath As String = "C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My Documents\"
Dim fso As Scripting.FileSystemObject
Dim fld As Scripting.Folder
Dim strFile As String
Dim strDate As String
Dim strFolder As String
Dim wkb As Excel.Workbook

strFile = "TapeCompare"
strFile = strFile & Replace(Me.txtFileNameDate, " ", "")
strFolder = Left(strFile, Len(strFile) - 2)
Set fso = New Scripting.FileSystemObject
If Not fso.FolderExists(cstrpath & strFolder) Then
MkDir (cstrpath & strFolder)
End If
'Set fld = fso.GetFolder(cstrpath & strFolder)
Set wkb = Excel.ActiveWorkbook
wkb.SaveAs cstrpath & strFolder & "\" & strFile & ".xls"
'wkb.SaveAs cstrpath & "Cynthia Grover.xls"

MsgBox "file has been Saved As: " & wkb.Name & "In Folder" & cstrpath &
Set wkb = Nothing
Unload Me

End Sub


me.txtFileNameDate will end of looking like this afet the user key in the
month and date on the userform....TapeCompar0515 ,that will go in the Tape
Tracking folder. Here is that procedure :
Private Sub cmdSaveFileName_Click()
Dim wkb As Excel.Workbook
Set wkb = Excel.ActiveWorkbook
'strWork = Right(wkb.Name, 17)
If Left(wkb.Name, 11) = "TapeCompare" And IsNumeric(Mid(wkb.Name, 12, 4))
And Len(wkb.Name) = 19 Then
Load FileNameAndDate
FileNameAndDate!txtFileNameDate.SelStart = 0
FileNameAndDate!txtFileNameDate.SelLength =
End If

Set wkb = Nothing

End Sub

Tom Ogilvy

Your trying to turn



Tape Tracking 05-2005


I assume the 05 in the first is the month. How do you intend to determine
the year?

If this is what you are doing:

s = "TapeCompar0515"
strFile = strFile & Replace(s, " ", "")
? strFile
strFolder = Left(strFile, Len(strFile) - 2)
? strFolder

then to change strFolder to Tape Tracking 05-

strFolder = Replace(strFolder,"TapeCompar","Tape Tracking")

strFolder = Replace(strFolder,"TapeCompar","Tape Tracking")
? strFolder
Tape Tracking05

Then you append

strFolder = strFolder & "-" & year(date)

modify year(date) to a method that will produce the proper year.

Tom Ogilvy


Thank You.

Tom Ogilvy said:
Your trying to turn



Tape Tracking 05-2005


I assume the 05 in the first is the month. How do you intend to determine
the year?

If this is what you are doing:

s = "TapeCompar0515"
strFile = strFile & Replace(s, " ", "")
? strFile
strFolder = Left(strFile, Len(strFile) - 2)
? strFolder

then to change strFolder to Tape Tracking 05-

strFolder = Replace(strFolder,"TapeCompar","Tape Tracking")

strFolder = Replace(strFolder,"TapeCompar","Tape Tracking")
? strFolder
Tape Tracking05

Then you append

strFolder = strFolder & "-" & year(date)

modify year(date) to a method that will produce the proper year.

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