Files Waiting to be written to the CD in notification ara


Chad Harris

I don't think this is an "SP2 phenomenon--I think it's a general Windows
phenomenon. It began happening though when after I removed a build of SP2
via Add/Remove to get the next build and rebooted to install it. I couldn't
reboot, and kept getting the Windows Advanced Options menu. I couldn't get
into any of the safe mode options, and Last Known Good was its usual failure
besides it's obvious disadvanatage of a snapshot since your last boot. In
order to recover my OS I went to a repair install/inplace upgrade which
worked fine. But this notification started then, and has been with me ever
since through subsequent SP2 builds and RTM.

Now every time I boot I'm getting an annoying reminder in my notification
area that I have files waiting to be written to the CD. Clicking it just
brings up a folder with my H drive as the file path and several files. I
get it out of the way by going to start menu properties and setting it to
never show, but it always comes back and I have to repeat this or it will
stay in the notification area and give me an annoying bubble.

Does anyone know what caused these files, and what to do with them and how
to avoid this annoyance?


Chad Harris


Right click on your H drive in MY computer and select Properties. Remove the
check mark from Enable CD Recording on This Drive on the Recording tab.

Chad Harris


And then if I want to burn something, go to the same place and put the check
back in?


Right click on your H drive in MY computer and select Properties. Remove the
check mark from Enable CD Recording on This Drive on the Recording tab.


Right Chad.
Also don't forget to remove the file references that are already there or
they will be burned the next time you enable that function and use it.

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