

Anita C

I am trying to follow the Ms sample in the .Net
to click on a button on a webform to bring up the fileopendialog. But it
does not seem to work and the process timesout. Can someone please point out
any sample etc. which might be using the Win.API or any other technique to
customize a fileopendialog. The reason why I am trying to use the API
instead of the HTML input= file is that I need to specify the directory and
the filter for the openfiledialog.
Thanks in advance

S. Justin Gengo


If you open a file dialog in your code you are actually opening that dialog
on the server not on the client. You have to keep in mind that web
programming is disconnected.

The code-behind you run on the server exists only on the server. Then when
the html page is compiled the server sends that compiled page to the web

You've only got two choices here. You'll need to install a program on the
client, which will require their permission when downloaded (you could use
an active x component or if the client has the .Net framework installed on
it you could make calls to the framework on the client). Or you'll need to
use the html file input.


S. Justin Gengo, MCP
Web Developer / Programmer

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