Filename Recognition



Hi to All:
I have the below code that I am using to modify csv files from having "". I
am having two problems. The filenames for these files need to be consistant,
however the two statements I have marked with <Problem are not recognizing
the files. I am also trying to geth this to only run on Range A1. Can anyone

Sub test2()
Const strFileIn As String = "I:\04 Production Files\IPEP Records\Cleaning
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs filename:=ActiveWorkbook.FullName
Const strFileOut As String = "I:\04 Production Files\IPEP Records\Cleaned\"
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs filename:=ActiveWorkbook.FullName
Dim FSO As Scripting.FileSystemObject
Dim fDest As Scripting.TextStream
Dim strData As String
Dim lngFNum1 As Long

Set FSO = New Scripting.FileSystemObject
Set fDest = FSO.CreateTextFile(strFileOut, True)<Problem

lngFNum1 = FreeFile()
Open strFileIn For Input As #lngFNum1<Problem

Do While Not EOF(lngFNum1)
Line Input #lngFNum1, strData
strData = Replace(strData, """", "", 1, -1, vbTextCompare)
fDest.WriteLine strData


End Sub

I liked the way you had everything directed in paths in the first set of
coding, but I am having a hard time get the areas above to recognize the
filenames. I have marked the ares with the word "<Problems". Do you have any

Conan Kelly


It appears that you are storing a path/folder in both of the Input file & Output file constants and then you are trying to open the
path/folder as a file to read from/write to.

You need to modify your code so that you are opening a specific file, and not a folder/path that your file are in.

I hope this helps,



I have to have it read in this manner. More than one customer will utilize
this piece several times a day and the filename will always be different. If
it was just me using this piece, it would be great. Do you have any ideas of
how I can read variable filenames, maintain them, and consist the programming
below to Range A1?


Thank you to all who helped. It was deeply appreciated. If anyone wants to
know how to accomplish this again. Here is the programming that finally
Sub test2()
Dim strFileIn As String
Dim strFileOut As String
Dim FSO As Scripting.FileSystemObject
Dim fDest As Scripting.TextStream
Dim strData As String
Dim lngFNum1 As Long

strFileIn = "I:\04 Production Files\IPEP Records\Cleaning files\" +
strFileOut = "I:\04 Production Files\IPEP Proofs\IPEP Standard Proofs\" +
Set FSO = New Scripting.FileSystemObject
Set fDest = FSO.CreateTextFile(strFileOut, True)

lngFNum1 = FreeFile()
Open strFileIn For Input As #lngFNum1

Line Input #lngFNum1, strData
strData = Replace(strData, """", "", 1, 2, vbTextCompare)
fDest.WriteLine strData

Do While Not EOF(lngFNum1)
Line Input #lngFNum1, strData
fDest.WriteLine strData


End Sub

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