file will not open



Trying to open a frequently used Excel file from floppy disk. Error message
says. "..fil.xls cannot be accessed, The file maybe read-only, or you may be
trying to access a read-only location."

I am running Excel 2003. The online update tool tells me I have all the
current updates. Other Excel files on this floppy open fine. The file in
question opened fine a couple of days ago. I tried to copy the file to my
desktop. Windows went through the motions but eventually produced a can't
read the file message.

Is there hope?

Paul B

txshyhawk, it is not a good idea to work on a file from a floppy, try
putting it on you hard drive and see if that will work, then when you have
made your changes copy it back to the floppy, here is a article from
Microsoft on the subject

When you open a workbook, Microsoft Excel creates temporary files in the
folder in which you save the file and in the folder from which you opened
the workbook. These temporary files are deleted when you close the file.
Also, Microsoft Excel creates a copy of the file on the media when you save
the file. This behavior may be problematic if you open a workbook from a
floppy disk or if the floppy disk does not have enough free space to
accommodate the file.
For these reasons, it is a good idea to copy the file to your hard disk
before you work with it. After you make modifications, save the file to the
hard disk, and then copy it back to the floppy disk.

Paul B
Always backup your data before trying something new
Please post any response to the newsgroups so others can benefit from it
Feedback on answers is always appreciated!
Using Excel 2002 & 2003


Appreciate the info . I will no longer use a floppy to transport work in
progress between computers. In the meantime is there a way to get at the
data in that file? I can't open the file to resave it on the hard drive,
Windows Explorer does not allow me to move or copy the file, I can't attach
the file to an email. I've tried doing all of the above in safe mode. Any

Paul B

txskyhawk, does the floppy show the file when you look at it? if not or if
you can't drag the file off to the desk top, copy or move it, sounds like
you have a bad floppy disk, I have gotten data off a disk in the past by
trying it again and again, some times the drive will read it and some times
not. You may also want to try it on a different computer. You may be out of
luck if this does not work or if you don't have a backup, if you have not
backed up the file other places to look for a copy, have you e-mailed it?
May be a copy in your sent items folder, if file was on a network server it
probably makes backups at sometime, check with you IT person, have you gave
the file to someone else that might have a copy of it? Copy on another
computer? In the future ALWAYS create backup files of your work.

Paul B
Always backup your data before trying something new
Please post any response to the newsgroups so others can benefit from it
Feedback on answers is always appreciated!
Using Excel 2002 & 2003

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