File transfer to new computer



I purchased a new computer and need to know how to move the following data:
New and old computer are both XP Home.

IE favorites
OE address book
OE email folders

I've had trouble in the past using the Files and Settings transfer wizard.
I ended up with a lot of duplicate items and my subfolders got dumped into
root folders....or something like that....... it was a nightmare....I think
this happened when I ran the wizard twice.

I need the actual file names and directory. That way I'll also know what
files to backup on a regular basis. I like to do it the hard way, that way
I know exactly what is happening and where files are located. I'll do file
by file transfer over my home network.

Thanks Joe101


The answers you seek are easily accessible by using the HELP function of
each of the apps that you mentioned...


Rick \Nutcase\ Rogers


For IE favorites, just open IE and click file/import and export, then follow
the prompts to export favorites to an .htm file. Save the file to removable
media or an unaffected volume. Import later by reversing the steps.

For OE, basically the same thing: File/export, once for mail, once for the
address book. For your accounts, click tools/accounts, then click the mail
tab. Click on the account name, then on export. Again, save all files to
safe media. Reverse the processes to recover everything.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP

Associate Expert - WindowsXP Expert Zone

Windows help -

André Gulliksen

Joe101 said:
IE favorites

%SYSTEMDRIVE%\Documents and Settings\%USERNAME%\Favorites
OE address book

%SYSTEMDRIVE%\Documents and Settings\%USERNAME%\Application
Data\Microsoft\Address Book
OE email folders

%SYSTEMDRIVE%\Documents and Settings\%USERNAME%\Local Settings\Application
Data\Identities\{random sequence number}\Microsoft\Outlook Express

The latter is the hardest to transfer, because of the random sequence
folder. This folder is initialized the first time you setup OE. So you will
first need to set up OE on the new computer so it will create the correct
folder for the respective computer, then transfer your OE files to the
correct folders.

Good luck.


Joe101 said:
I purchased a new computer and need to know how to move the following data:
New and old computer are both XP Home.

IE favorites
OE address book
OE email folders

I've had trouble in the past using the Files and Settings transfer wizard.
I ended up with a lot of duplicate items and my subfolders got dumped into
root folders....or something like that....... it was a nightmare....I
think this happened when I ran the wizard twice.

I need the actual file names and directory. That way I'll also know what
files to backup on a regular basis. I like to do it the hard way, that
way I know exactly what is happening and where files are located. I'll
do file by file transfer over my home network.

Thanks Joe101

What you are looking for are the files.

Go to the "documents and settins" folder and open your username. Browse to:

C:\Documents and Settings\YOURNAME\Application Data\Microsoft\Address Book

C:\Documents and Settings\YOURNAME\Favorites

And copy the files to a CD.

Go to OE and "tools > maintenance > store folder.

Note where that is and then use explorer to browse to the directory and copy
the files in it. You can then import the above on your new setup.

Miss Perspicacia Tick

Joe101 said:
I purchased a new computer and need to know how to move the following
data: New and old computer are both XP Home.

IE favorites
OE address book
OE email folders

I've had trouble in the past using the Files and Settings transfer
wizard. I ended up with a lot of duplicate items and my subfolders
got dumped into root folders....or something like that....... it was
a nightmare....I think this happened when I ran the wizard twice.

I need the actual file names and directory. That way I'll also know
what files to backup on a regular basis. I like to do it the hard
way, that way I know exactly what is happening and where files are
located. I'll do file by file transfer over my home network.

Thanks Joe101

I use e-backup ( which painlessly backs up everything you
wish to. I've been using it for years and never had any problems.


isn't true that when File->ImportandExport is used, the resulting bookmark.htm
file is necessarily alphabetized? if i WANT TO keep the original
order in my Favorites list, what should i do?
richard chiang pan, dc, usa, xp neophyte and importexport abusee

Rick \Nutcase\ Rogers


I don't know, never noticed it one way or the other. I always am changing
things around anyways, so if it did I didn't notice it.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP

Associate Expert - WindowsXP Expert Zone

Windows help -

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