File-Save is grayed out for periods of time in Excel 2003



On 2 machines out of 60 in our organization, the File-Save and File-Save As
menu items become grayed out and unavailable at times. They may stay grayed
out for two weeks to a month and then all of a sudden they are back and
working. It is very frustrating. The only way to save a file when this
occurs is to choose File-Exit and select Yes when asked if you would like to
save the file.

It is Excel 2003 on Windows XP SP2. I have tried re-installing and applying
all updates several times but the problem persists. Has anyone seen this
problem or have any suggestions for resolution?

Thanks in advance,
Ned Grubb

Dave Peterson

Just a guess...

Maybe it's a misbehaving macro. If a developer disables these options, it would
be very nice to enable them when that program finishes.

I'd look for *.xlb (where changes to the toolbars are kept).
Rename them all to *.xlbOLD.

Then watch for the change to occur again. When it happens, make a note of what
workbooks you had open and go "see" those authors!

But the next time it happens, you may be able to just reset the toolbar.

Tools|Customize|toolbars tab|select Worksheet menu bar
and click the reset button.

(Renaming all the *.xlb files to *.xlbOLD will reset all the toolbars--not just
the worksheet menu bar. You may want to try resetting first--it maybe

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