File Referances debug vs. release mode


Wayne Sepega

We are currently setting up our environment to file reference any assemblies
we plan on putting in the GAC. To prevent the developer from having to go
get the newest copy of the file and register it in the GAC we are planning
on having a common share where these files will live. So what we would like
to accomplish is this:

In Debug mode have the file reference there, with copy locally set to true,
but in release mode have the copy local set to false.

Any ideas on how to best accomplish this?
Wayne Sepega

Wayne Sepega

I know how to control the bindings in such ways, but that's not what I was
trying to accomplish. Here's what I am trying to do, bit re-worded and
hopefully a bit more clear.

1) Allow file references for items that will be placed in the GAC in a
release set up
2) Not force the developer to have to add each assembly to their GAC on
their local box every time a change is made to the assembly
3) Have a common place for the assemblies
4) Still be able to debug the assemblies
5) Not have the assemblies deployed with the application in release mode

So say I have the following setup:

All projects are on P:
All GAC assemblies are available to the developers on K:

I want to add a reference to an assembly on K: to my project on P:, this
assembly needs to be copied local for debugging as I do not want to have to
put it in the GAC on my machine.

Now when I do a RELEASE mode build I don't want the Assembly copied locally
as I don't want it included in my deployment package, nor do I want to have
to remember to delete the assemblies each time I do a release build.

What I need to do is figure out how to flip the Copy Local value based on
build selection.


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