File name length



I recently upgraded from 98 to XP, now when I look in my
computer or explorer all the long file names have
a 'tilde' (squiggly line) in them to truncate them. I cant
remeber all the file names on my computer and this
truncated file name appears everywhere even in the
properties section. How can I make the full file names
appear in the directories. (In 98 if you put the mouse
pointer over a file name the whole name would appear. It
does not seem to work in XP.


I sure hope you get an answer. I have similar problems, and have looked at all the folder view options and the windows xp help, and can not find an answer. I have looked all over these bulletin boards, and there is not help. I sure do not want to pay bill gates and company $99 to help for a problem they seem to have created.

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