File Copy and Paste issue - Windows Explorer




I have Windows Explorer Ultimate - Its a brand new install from yesterday.
After all update and installations of my software has taken place I seem to
be getting a very strange thing happening. I cannot copy and paste a file
from one directory on a local drive to any other location (local or remote).
It doesnt even come up with an error, and does let me see the copy and paste

Ive tried rebooting etc... still nothing.

Very strange. Perhaps there is a patch to fix this?


Bill Yanaire

Very good. I've installed the WinXP "patch" and it solved all my Vista
issues 100%


Which patch is that? and what exactly is the problem? I can delete from the
context menu but cannot copy or paste. Its quite annoying as Vista is useless
when you cant cut, copy or paste?

I also have vista on my laptop - but that is all working fine with explorer
thank heavens.

If I try and copy and paste in Nero Burning ROM (in the explorer window in
there) it works fine - but I spose that is Nero and not Explorer.

Is there a problem with one of the shell extentions?

If I use the explorer on the laptop to copy and paste something on the
desktop machine (the one with the problem) it works fine. So it is definately
explorer on the desktop, or something related to it.

This is really frustrating.


Bill Yanaire

I was responding to Jack. It was a Joke. He was saying that Windows XP is
a "patch" to solved Vista problems and I was just running with it. Sorry
for any confusion.


Hehe. Okay. Im starting to wonder if you are right ;)

The question I am asking myself is should I have upgraded to vista so early
on in its life before all problems were ironed out.



yeah I am having this other type of issue where I cannot select
multiple files and sometimes I can. very frustrating.


Woblit said:

I have Windows Explorer Ultimate - Its a brand new install from yesterday.
After all update and installations of my software has taken place I seem to
be getting a very strange thing happening. I cannot copy and paste a file
from one directory on a local drive to any other location (local or remote).
It doesnt even come up with an error, and does let me see the copy and paste

Ive tried rebooting etc... still nothing.

Very strange. Perhaps there is a patch to fix this?


If there were a patch to fix this it would mean most users were having
the same problem.
Obviously they aren't.
What are you using to copy-paste. Mouse or keyboard?


/Woblit/ said:

I have Windows Explorer Ultimate - Its a brand new install from yesterday.
After all update and installations of my software has taken place I seem to
be getting a very strange thing happening. I cannot copy and paste a file
from one directory on a local drive to any other location (local or remote).
It doesnt even come up with an error, and does let me see the copy and paste

Ive tried rebooting etc... still nothing.

Very strange. Perhaps there is a patch to fix this?

Something to check...

Right-click an open space in the taskbar and click on PROPERTIES.
Click the START MENU tab, then the CUSTOMIZE button.

Put a check mark in the box that reads "enable context menus dragging
and dropping"


It is enabled, and was working. Some people have had this problem in other
posts and they never got them sorted. They ended up having to just trash the
machine and reinstall.

Is this going to be my quickest option? Which will take me AGES to reinstall
because I have so much on this machine.



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