file and settings transfer wizard



i move from one xp to the other (same machine actually - just have to format
i export the settings on the original machine (eliminating few of the
locations - shared desktop and shared files, and file types) - the output
was of about 500 MB
on the new XP (both SP2) I tryed to import the settings but after directing
the wizard to the folder with the settings, there is a message that there is
no settings in this directory.
i might be because on the old machine the user exporting the settings is
domain\user and on the new machine it is computer\user ?



I don't think the domain/computer issue is of any importance.

The FSTW is a disaster-area. Unfortunately you sound like you're in a
position of having to rely on it now as you don't have the original data any

IMLI it seldom works, and in a few cases it trashes the registry of the
recipient PC. I've seen an XP Pro computer which was 'transformed' into a
Win98 computer, in that post-FSTW the 'My Documents' was in the root of C:
and 'Favorites' was in the Windows folder, etc.

Sorry to be so negative, but that's the score.

You might be able to recover the backup, but I'm not sure how.

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