Field Customization



I have an existing table of individuals with standard fields e.g. name,
phone, etc. There was a questionaire that each of them responded to either
by email or attached word document. I would like to capture their responses
into access. In a prior correspondence, I was advised to change the field
title into the actual questions. It was not clear as to whether this should
have been created in a separate table. At, present, it is not. I face the
following issues:
1- Some questions require more space than the fields allow. Can they be

2- Some questions have preset answers such as: y/n, t/f, a:b:c:d. Is there
a way to create a 'drop down' option is these cases? If so, are there
instructions on how to do so?

3- Should the questions have been made in a separate table? If so, how do I
establish a 'key value' to match the responses to the respondent?

Much thanks for any guidance in these items.



Much thanks for the timely reply:

We appreciate the info for future surveys but at present, we want to
document the results of a past survey. I followed the link and it would
take more time than I have to sort through it. If there is any way to modify
the tables in the ways mentioned in my correspondence we would be truly


Douglas J Steele

As far as I'm concerned, it makes more sense to do the current survey
correctly, rather than making a hodge-podge.

Your call, though.

Yes, you can increase the size of existing text fields to a maximum of 255
characters. If that's not enough, you must use a Memo field.

You do not want to have drop downs in tables. Drop downs belong in forms.

You should have at least 3 tables. One with the details of each respondent,
one with a row per question, and one representing the resolution of the
many-to-many relationship between the other two tables (each respondent
answered multiple questions, each question was answered by multiple
respondents). You'd store the respondent's answer to each question in this
third table.

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