Fieburn's In The Pub!

Sep 19, 2004
Reaction score
Alright guys, I joined here purely to have my little rant about my recent bad experience with Scan but after checking out the rest of the threads I guess i'l stay for a while :)

I'm quite a big gamer ( FFXI, Doom3, Farcry & Sims 2 at mo :o ) along with consoles etc so if I can help lemme know.

Oh btw, Chocolate Soya Milk's quite nice!!
Chocolate Soya Milk's quite nice!!

i'll take your word for that! ;)

welcome to pcreview!

have you got a technical background or just a hardcore gamer?

Fieburn said:
Yeh a bit of technical background. I just finshed my IT degree a few months back :)
You call that a "bit"? :)

Welcome aboard!
LOL! Well i do tend to underestimate things :)

Anyone here playing FFXI at the mo?? It's littered with Japanese/french etc but i've still yet to see anyone from the UK playing!
I like folks who tend to underestimate themselves rather than the other way around! ;)
Fieburn welcome to the site

here you will find some very very usefull people, who are always happy to help out
(but only if the money is right) :) :)

Enjoy your stay
c'est la vie!
Welcome good sir, and how do you do?
my name is Alf, Guy In The Corner by trade, i'll be of any sevice too you although i'll problably ask for more help than i should.
In any case, Hello.