Fax setup



I am trying to set up the fax on a new PC. After I bought it I changed to BBand/new modem

While trying to set up/config the Word Fax it only says the old Modem is available. I have got fax on this XP version loade

Can anyone help please

Thank you

Michael Solomon \(MS-MVP Windows Shell/User\)

Before you installed the new modem, did you remove the drivers for the
previous modem, if not, that's likely the issue. Sometimes, in order to
resolve this, you first must remove the new hardware. If you do that, be
sure to remove the drivers for it first in Device Manager. Open Control
Panel, open System, go to the hardware tab, click Device Manager, click the
plus sign next to Modems, right click the modem, select properties, click
uninstall driver.


Thank yo
No I did not remove the previous drivers. I am a bit reluctant to remove the new BB one so I will try and take out the old one first and then try it. Next step I will remove and reinstall the BB one

I think a fresh start in the morning is called for....just in case

I will let you know how I get on

Thanks Agai


Michael Solomon \(MS-MVP Windows Shell/User\)

You're welcome, good luck. You may at the very least need to remove the new
modem, then place it back in its slot in order to get the system to properly
recognize it and not keep trying to reinstall the driver for the other

Good luck.


Micheal. Not so good
I found the old one to take out and that was ok. However I cannot seem to remove the newer one. It's from BT. It doesn't show under Modem listing. There is reference to Thomsom(The make) on the Program file and that contains a modem

Should I risk taking this out. Incidently, although once I took the old modem out I didn't seem able to access the internet
The BT BB one is setup for my Int connection though? Sorry



Ignore the comment about not being able to access the internet once the old modem is taken out. OK to access now

So brave enough to take out the newer one and how?


OUCH. Been onto BT. The BB and Modem. Does not support Microsoft products. like Fax

Wish I had known


Michael Solomon \(MS-MVP Windows Shell/User\)

Sorry, Graham. Nonetheless, fax modems or data and fax modems are
relatively inexpensive. You should easily be able to replace what you have
with one that supports the function as desired.


Graham said:
I am trying to set up the fax on a new PC. After I bought it I changed to BBand/new modem.

While trying to set up/config the Word Fax it only says the old Modem is
available. I have got fax on this XP version loaded
Can anyone help please.

Thank you

Graham, you have to use a dial up modem for fax sending and receipt.. your
BT broadband connection will not suffice.. it is possible to install a dial
up modem and use that for fax only..

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