Fatal Error due to device driver


steve whalley

For the pst month I've been having lots of fun with my
system. I upgraded to XP pro with SP1 and I'm getting
constant crashes due to a driver error (according to
Microsoft support). There are no further clues. I've
upgraded BIOS and motherboard drivers without success -
can anybody help or suggest wat of locating problem?


Microsoft Video Driver OCA Triage

Please find the 5-10 most recent minidumps located at
c:\windows\minidump and send them to (e-mail address removed). I will analyze
the minidumps and get back to you on what device driver(s) are causing you
system to crash and any suggestions I can make on how to fix the problem.

Lance Naugle
Microsoft Video Driver OCA Triage
(e-mail address removed)
* This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no

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