Fails to launch programs



Fails to launch programs, desperately need help!

My son mistakenly messed up the .exe extension, I can't open most of the programs/applications. I can't even get to System Restore to undo what he has done. Here's what had happened

He went to My Computer window, clicked [Tools] from menu bar, then clicked [Folder Options...], then he selected [File Type] tab. then he selected [new], then he type in [exe] into the pop up window, then there was a warning window pop up to alert this action will dis-associate all the programs from this extension (some verbiage like that), then he clicked [ok]. After this, most of the programs will not open from the [Start button] or the [short cut]

Is there a way to fix this problem

Thanks in advance for your help

Rick \Nutcase\ Rogers

Hi Sandy,

Copy exe_fix.reg from to your system, then
double-click it. Allow it to merge with your registry, it will reset the
..exe file association defaults.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers aka "Nutcase" MS-MVP - Win9x
Windows isn't rocket science! That's my other hobby!

Associate Expert - WinXP - Expert Zone

Sandy Hui said:
Fails to launch programs, desperately need help!!

My son mistakenly messed up the .exe extension, I can't open most of the
programs/applications. I can't even get to System Restore to undo what he
has done. Here's what had happened:
He went to My Computer window, clicked [Tools] from menu bar, then clicked
[Folder Options...], then he selected [File Type] tab. then he selected
[new], then he type in [exe] into the pop up window, then there was a
warning window pop up to alert this action will dis-associate all the
programs from this extension (some verbiage like that), then he clicked
[ok]. After this, most of the programs will not open from the [Start button]
or the [short cut].

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