Failed to load resources from resource file. Please check your se



I have Windows XP and Office 2003 with the latest updates. Whenever I finish
with a Powerpoint document (e.g., save and close), I would get an error
message saying

"Failed to load resources from resource file. Please chedk your setup."

Although everything seems to work fine, it's just annoying to get this
message each time I close Powerpoint.

Does anyone else have this experience/problem? Thanks.


I've never seen it, but try clicking on Help, Detect and Repair from within


Steve Rindsberg

I have Windows XP and Office 2003 with the latest updates. Whenever I finish
with a Powerpoint document (e.g., save and close), I would get an error
message saying

"Failed to load resources from resource file. Please chedk your setup."

Although everything seems to work fine, it's just annoying to get this
message each time I close Powerpoint.

What's in the title bar (blue bar at the top) of the message box the error
meesage appears in?

Do you have any addins installed?


The title bar says "Setup error" and yes I do have add-ins installed.

Again, PowerPoint seems to work fine. This error msg only pops up when I
end my PowerPoint session. My PC tech guy thinks it's a problem related to
lack of memory, but this doesn't happen with my other Office apps.

Steve Rindsberg

The title bar says "Setup error" and yes I do have add-ins installed.

Two things I'd try then:

1, the easy one: Start PPT then minimize it to see if the error message is already
there *behind* it.

2, a bit more work: Disable your addins then add them back one at a time, starting
then quitting PPT each time to see the problem disappears then comes back when one
of them is added. If you're using any of the PPTools addins, don't disable them
using Tools, Addins, and in fact there's no need TO disable them, as they don't use
resource files and don't ever put up error messages about loading resources.

It may not have anything to do with the addins, but it's easy enough to test.


Eureka! It works now.

To answer your questions:

1, the easy one: Start PPT then minimize it to see if the error message is
there *behind* it.

No message window behind PowerPoint.

2, a bit more work: Disable your addins then add them back one at a time,
then quitting PPT each time to see the problem disappears then comes back
when one of them is added. If you're using any of the PPTools addins, don't
disable them
using Tools, Addins, and in fact there's no need TO disable them, as they
don't use
resource files and don't ever put up error messages about loading resources.

I have an add-in called DocuShare. After I unchecked and re-checked this
add-in, the message disappeared!

Thanks for the tips!!!

Steve Rindsberg

Eureka! It works now.
I have an add-in called DocuShare. After I unchecked and re-checked this
add-in, the message disappeared!

Thanks for the tips!!!

Any old time. Glad you were able to work it out.

You might try uninstalling then reinstalling DocuShare to see if that makes it happy

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