Failed to Load Resource DLL



When I try to open Windows Explorer, and other applications including
internet links in Incredimail email, I get the Error Message:Failed to Load
Resource DLL.

There is no message number associated with the message.
What can I do to correct this?

Thanks to all in advance.


George Hester

Tell me what happens if you go to C:\WINNT\explorer.exe and double-click it. If you are unable to do that what happens when you do this: Start | Run | explorer | OK


Once I click the Ok button the error goes away, and I am able to open the
application. Explorer opens using both strategies. What I also found was
that I could not open some web links within my email client. The error
message would continuously show up.

Tell me what happens if you go to C:\WINNT\explorer.exe and double-click it.
If you are unable to do that what happens when you do this: Start | Run |
explorer | OK


Yes, that's true. It does.


"Explorer opens using both strategies" - Without the error?

George Hester

Wesley exactly what do you do opening Windows Explorer that causes your error? This dll issue. The two ways I gave you to open Windows Explorer cause no error. Now another way to open Windows Explorer is by using a shortcut on the desktop. Either one pointing to C:\WINNT\explorer.exe or one pointing to C:\WINNT\explorer.scf. So tell me how you open Windows Explorer that leads to your dll issue.


OK. I might have cause some misunderstanding here. When I attempt to open
explorer, or other applications including
internet links in Incredimail email, I get the Error Message:Failed to Load
Resource DLL. Once I click OK the error message goes away, and Explorer, or
the application or the internet link in the email client opens.

I hope I am clear now. Thanks for bnearing with me.


Wesley exactly what do you do opening Windows Explorer that causes your
error? This dll issue. The two ways I gave you to open Windows Explorer
cause no error. Now another way to open Windows Explorer is by using a
shortcut on the desktop. Either one pointing to C:\WINNT\explorer.exe or
one pointing to C:\WINNT\explorer.scf. So tell me how you open Windows
Explorer that leads to your dll issue.

George Hester

Maybe I am just not reading you right. You say,

"When I attempt to open explorer...I get the Error Message:Failed to Load Resource DLL"

Now we used two ways to open Windows Explorer and neither of them give the error you mention. So I'm sorry I'm trying to address the issue as it pertains to Windows Explorer. We fix that (if there is even anything to fix) and then we can address the "Incredimail" issue.

Are you saying "Incredimail" has an option that allows you to fire up Windows Explorer from its interface? If so that might be the issue. It just cannot do it.

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