Extremely High Page File Usage 5.88 GB



My System...Core Duo 2.0 GHZ, 2 GB RAM.
My page file usage is 5.88 GB as soon as windows starts. Funny thing is
I dont see any process using that much memory in task manager. Also I
have run Norton and adaware scan. Found Nothing!

I have attached screenshot of processes and Performance Tabs of Task

Also Page file is set to clear at shutdown.
What do you guys recommend?



Windows by default tuned to always use swap file.
Default swap size is little more than amount of your RAM installed
multiplied by two or tree times.

As you see:
You have installed 2 GB RAM.
Your swap file is 5.88 GB.

You can manually override default Windows settings.
Just call menu item "Settings" of popup menu on icon "My Computer".
Than go to the tab "Advanced" and find swap file settings in the inner menu.
With your amount of RAM you can turn swap file off or set it size to 512 MB.
I recommend you try to turn off swap file usage.
If in the your everyday work some application will fail with memory limit
you can turn on swap file usage.
But usually ever heavily used computer should not exceed memory usage limit
of 2 GB.

Best regards,
Alexander Kutin


Hi Alexander....
Thanks for your help. I set page file at 512 mb. but When i restarted
the computer. it went itself to 2.26 gb giving some memory errors.
What you think the problem is?
Does processes tab show Memory usage of Page file or just physical ram?


Also Tried Safe mode. PF usage only 81 mb.
Also found that if i dont login(after restart) for few seconds then I
get Out of virtual memory message box on that screen itself (log on
screen) so i guess its the kernel or any other system process is using
virtual memory
what do you guys suggest?

Ron Martell

My System...Core Duo 2.0 GHZ, 2 GB RAM.
My page file usage is 5.88 GB as soon as windows starts. Funny thing is
I dont see any process using that much memory in task manager. Also I
have run Norton and adaware scan. Found Nothing!

I have attached screenshot of processes and Performance Tabs of Task

Also Page file is set to clear at shutdown.
What do you guys recommend?

In Task Manager go to the Processes tab and then use View - Select
Columns. Add the "VM Size" column then sort the display by that

That may show you something.

Good luck

Ron Martell Duncan B.C. Canada
Microsoft MVP (1997 - 2006)
On-Line Help Computer Service
Syberfix Remote Computer Repair

"Anyone who thinks that they are too small to make a difference
has never been in bed with a mosquito."


Also Tried Safe mode. PF usage only 81 mb.
Also found that if i dont login(after restart) for few seconds then I
get Out of virtual memory message box on that screen itself (log on
screen) so i guess its the kernel or any other system process is using
virtual memory
what do you guys suggest?

Do some clean boot troubleshooting to see if you an isolate the source of
the problem.

Clean Boot Troubleshooting

How to Troubleshoot By Using the Msconfig Utility in Windows XP

How to perform advanced clean-boot troubleshooting in Windows XP

How to perform a clean boot in Windows XP

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