Extracting num values from character fields



How can I extract only numeric values from a character field? For instance: Field value "ABC-056#Y89" - I would want to see "05689" only, in a query. Can I do this in Access alone or do I have to find someone to write a Visual Basic program for this?

Van T. Dinh

You can use code to inspect each character in the Field and if the character
is between "0" and "9", append it to a strNum.

At the end, you should have the strNum = "05689" which can be converted to a
numerical value using Val() or CInt() or CLng().

(slightly more complex if you need decimal numbers).

Van T. Dinh
MVP (Access)

KPR said:
How can I extract only numeric values from a character field? For
instance: Field value "ABC-056#Y89" - I would want to see "05689" only, in a
query. Can I do this in Access alone or do I have to find someone to write
a Visual Basic program for this?


Can I purchase this code from you or someone else or is there a utiliy available I can purchase? How would I get the code embedded into my database?

----- Van T. Dinh wrote: -----

You can use code to inspect each character in the Field and if the character
is between "0" and "9", append it to a strNum.

At the end, you should have the strNum = "05689" which can be converted to a
numerical value using Val() or CInt() or CLng().

(slightly more complex if you need decimal numbers).

Van T. Dinh
MVP (Access)

KPR said:
How can I extract only numeric values from a character field? For
instance: Field value "ABC-056#Y89" - I would want to see "05689" only, in a
query. Can I do this in Access alone or do I have to find someone to write
a Visual Basic program for this?

Van T. Dinh

Tested in A2K:

Public Function fnGetDigitsOnly(ByVal varInput As Variant) As String
Dim strInput As String
Dim strTemp As String
Dim strChar As String
Dim intIndex As Integer

strTemp = ""
If (IsNull(varInput) = False) Then
strInput = varInput
For intIndex = 1 To Len(Trim(strInput))
strChar = Mid$(strInput, intIndex, 1)
If (strChar >= "0") And (strChar <= "9") Then
strTemp = strTemp & strChar
End If
Next intIndex
End If

fnGetDigitsOnly = strTemp
End Function


?fnGetDigitsOnly("abc123efg456&*(7890&hghg jjh")

Van T. Dinh
MVP (Access)

KPR said:
Can I purchase this code from you or someone else or is there a utiliy
available I can purchase? How would I get the code embedded into my

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