Extracting macros from a worksheet




Thanks for the info. I have Excel setup to ask me about enabling and
disabling macros when opening a worksheet. I've tried both with no luck. I
get the same error when attempting to open this file.

The workbook that I'm opening has always worked before. That workbook and
macros were designed and written by me and they have been working for more
that 5 months now. There are only two worksheets in the workbook and I've
never had any reason to group them together, however, when the workbook
opens with the error, I can see that the two sheets are, in fact, selected.
In addition, a third sheet is now showing, which is labeled "Module1".
Since I can't navigate through the workbook because of the error, I do not
know what is on this sheet.

It is apparent that the workbook is at least opening partially. If I could
just find a way to get the macro text out without having to fully open the
file, then I'd be ok.

I don't recall having any kind of Auto_Open macro. However, I have tried
disabling macros upon opening the file. I've tried the Shift key while
opening, but it still prompts me about the macros to which I choose to
disable. I attempted the command with the " /safe", but that results in a
file not found. I'm using Excel 2000 on a Win2000 computer. I've also
tried a Windows Me computer. The error remains.

Thank you for any additional help you can offer.

Dave Peterson

Try opening excel in safe mode once more. (I think you mistyped something.)

excel /safe

And if that still fails, a few people have reported success using OpenOffice to
open their workbooks and recover both the worksheet stuff and macro stuff.

(http://www.openoffice.org, a 60-65 meg download or a CD)

And if you're not using xl2002, you may want to try that. It also has a better
reputation opening files that earlier versions couldn't. (I wonder if xl2003
does a better job than xl2002???)


Thanks Dave,

I did finally get Excel open in safe mode. However, as you could probably
guess, the error continued therefore closing Excel without giving me the
chance to get any of the macro data out. HOWEVER, the OpenOffice program
worked great. That was a life-saver. Even though the worksheets looked
like crap as if two worksheets had been combined into one with overlapping
text and combo boxes, etc., I was able to copy out the macro data and rework
it into a new spreadsheet. That program saved me a lot of work.

Give OpenOffice another vote of confidence.


Dave Peterson said:
Try opening excel in safe mode once more. (I think you mistyped something.)

excel /safe

And if that still fails, a few people have reported success using OpenOffice to
open their workbooks and recover both the worksheet stuff and macro stuff.

(http://www.openoffice.org, a 60-65 meg download or a CD)

And if you're not using xl2002, you may want to try that. It also has a better
reputation opening files that earlier versions couldn't. (I wonder if xl2003
does a better job than xl2002???)

Thanks for the info. I have Excel setup to ask me about enabling and
disabling macros when opening a worksheet. I've tried both with no luck. I
get the same error when attempting to open this file.

The workbook that I'm opening has always worked before. That workbook and
macros were designed and written by me and they have been working for more
that 5 months now. There are only two worksheets in the workbook and I've
never had any reason to group them together, however, when the workbook
opens with the error, I can see that the two sheets are, in fact, selected.
In addition, a third sheet is now showing, which is labeled "Module1".
Since I can't navigate through the workbook because of the error, I do n ot
know what is on this sheet.

It is apparent that the workbook is at least opening partially. If I could
just find a way to get the macro text out without having to fully open the
file, then I'd be ok.

I don't recall having any kind of Auto_Open macro. However, I have tried
disabling macros upon opening the file. I've tried the Shift key while
opening, but it still prompts me about the macros to which I choose to
disable. I attempted the command with the " /safe", but that results in a
file not found. I'm using Excel 2000 on a Win2000 computer. I've also
tried a Windows Me computer. The error remains.

Thank you for any additional help you can offer.

Gord Dibben said:

The "Group" you see indicates that two or more worksheets are grouped together
so changes made on one sheet will be reflected on all.

To "Ungroup" sheets right-click on a sheet Tab and "Ungroup sheets".

You may have an Auto_Open macro trying to do something that is considered
illegal on grouped sheets.

Have you tried opening the workbook whilst holding down the SHIFT key to
prevent macros running?

Or Start>Run "excel.exe /safe"(no quotes) to open with nothing loaded.

Gord Dibben XL2002

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