Extract New Items after comparing two different tables.



Hi all,
I would like to create a query or report that contains only those items from
table 2 that do not match items in table 1.

I have two tables with similar information in them. One is an original and
one is new updated table with new products added to it.

I have both tables imported to Access as TableOLD and TableNEW.

TableNEW contains OLDItems + (NewItems) - (deletedItems)
TableOLD contains ALLOLDItems

I want to compare the two tables and extract only those items in TableNEW
that do not match any Items in TableOLD. The result should be a list all new
items items have been added to TableNEW that were not included in TableOLD.
Preferably the list would be a new table called NEWItems

I hope I have explained this right.

Thank you in advance for the help.

John Spencer (MVP)

There is a query wizard to find unmatched that will do this.

Basically the query is

SELECT TableNew.*
ON TableNew.PrimaryKey = TableOld.PrimaryKey
WHERE TableOld.PrimaryKey is Null

I don't know what your primary key field is (or if it is a multi-field primary
key). You will have to join on the fields that determine each unique record.

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