Extract and summarize data




I have a large number of worksheets. Each worksheet is named after a
date. For example 'DATE 02.05.09' What I would like to do is for all
the dates (Worksheets) in the workbook extract the relevant data from
the worksheet and place it into a summary sheet.

The specific data is defined by the summary sheet. For example if the
code EAS is entered, it would search for all the EAS's in the date
work sheets and return the individual values into the summary sheet.
As shown below:

The summary sheet would look like this.

01.02.08 EAS 44
02.02.08 EAS 22
02.05.09 LIN 44

If anyone could give me some help it would be much appreciated.


Joseph Crabtree


This will list all your sheets in you workbook:
Sub ListSheets()
'list of sheet names starting at A1
Dim rng As Range
Dim i As Integer
Set rng = Range("A1")
For Each Sheet In ActiveWorkbook.Sheets
rng.Offset(i, 0).Value = Sheet.Name
i = i + 1
Next Sheet
End Sub




I have a large number of worksheets. Each worksheet is named after a
date. For example 'DATE 02.05.09' What I would like to do is for all
the dates (Worksheets) in the workbook extract the relevant data from
the worksheet and place it into a summary sheet.

The specific data is defined by the summary sheet. For example if the
code EAS is entered, it would search for all the EAS's in the date
work sheets and return the individual values into the summary sheet.
As shown below:

The summary sheet would look like this.

01.02.08  EAS      44
02.02.08  EAS      22
02.05.09  LIN        44

If anyone could give me some help it would be much appreciated.


Joseph Crabtree


I threw this code together quickly, so you'll need to test it to make
sure it is doing what you want. I don't know how you plan on telling
the program what codes (i.e. "EAS", "LIN", etc.) to look for, so I
created a simple Array in the program. The program assumes that the
value for each code is one column to the right of the code. The
program also assumes you are searching within the UsedRange (i.e. all
cells that have been used at some point in time by the worksheet) to
find the codes. Lastly, it assumes your summary data on the Summary
worksheet begins in A1.

I hope this gets you enough code to manipulate it to fit your needs.


Matt Herbert

Sub CustomFind()

Dim rngData As Range
Dim rngItem As Range
Dim rngFound As Range
Dim rngFirstFound As Range
Dim rngLastCell As Range
Dim rngListFound As Range
Dim wksSumm As Worksheet
Dim lngOutCnt As Long
Dim Wks As Worksheet
Dim strWksDate As String
Dim varMyArray As Variant
Dim lngJ As Long

'code to look for
varMyArray = Array("EAS", "LIN")

Set wksSumm = Worksheets("Summary")

'loop through each worksheet
For Each Wks In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
'skip the worksheet if it is the Summary worksheet
If Wks.Name <> wksSumm.Name Then
'reset the Found ranges for each worksheet
Set rngFirstFound = Nothing
Set rngListFound = Nothing

'get the date from the worksheet name
strWksDate = Right(Wks.Name, Len(Wks.Name) - _
InStr(1, Wks.Name, " ", vbTextCompare))

'set the range to look in for each worksheet
Set rngData = Wks.UsedRange

'get the last cell of the range
Set rngLastCell = rngData.Cells(rngData.Cells.Count)

'loop through the codes to find all occurances
For lngJ = LBound(varMyArray) To UBound(varMyArray)

'see "Remarks" in Find Method documentation
Set rngFound = rngData.Find(What:=varMyArray(lngJ), _
After:=rngLastCell, _
LookIn:=xlValues, _
LookAt:=xlPart, _

If Not rngFound Is Nothing Then

'rngFirstFound acts as a "marker" to identify when
' we have looped through all possible finds, i.e.
' we are back at the beginning again
Set rngFirstFound = rngFound

'if there is only one item that is found then the
' one item is the result of the find
Set rngListFound = rngFound

'get the next find; this may or may not exist
Set rngFound = rngData.FindNext(After:=rngFound)

'loop for all possible finds
'this is to catch if there is one item found as
' well as to determine if we are at the beginning
' "marker" of our find list
If rngFound.Address = rngFirstFound.Address Then
Exit Do
End If

'this is to add the multiple found ranges into
' the rngListFound; union appends the new found
' item range to the existing found item range
Set rngListFound = Application.Union(rngListFound,

'since we are in a loop, we need to set the
' rngFound to the next find; this may or may
' not exist
Set rngFound = rngData.FindNext(After:=rngFound)

'output results to the Summary worksheet
For Each rngItem In rngListFound
With wksSumm
lngOutCnt = .Range
.Cells(lngOutCnt + 1, "A").Value = varMyArray
.Cells(lngOutCnt + 1, "B").Value = strWksDate
.Cells(lngOutCnt + 1, "C").Value =
rngItem.Offset(0, 1).Value
End With
End If
End If

End Sub

Chip Pearson

You post isn't as clear as it needs to be. First, assuming your
summary sheet has data like

01.02.08 EAS
02.02.08 EAS
02.05.09 LIN

Should the search routine look only in the worksheet named in column A
as it loops down the columns on the summary sheet? That is, should it
search only sheet 01.02.08 for "EAS", then search only sheet 02.02.08
for EAS and then search only 02.05.09 for LIN? Or should every
worksheet be searched for every code?

Next, it is a relatively simple task to search the appropriate
worksheet for the text "EAS", but what does "return the individual
values into the summary sheet" mean? Suppose the code found "EAS" in
cell A3 on one of the date sheets. How then does it find the
associated value? In your example, you show the value 44 as related to
EAS on the 01.02.08 sheet. Where does the 44 come from? And if there
are multiple occurrences of EAS on one worksheet, do you want to
return all occurrences to the cells on the summary sheet in the row
that specified the date sheet name and code value?

Are the codes (EAS, etc) always in a particular range or location on
the date worksheets? For example, can the search routine restrict
itself to a single column and/or a range of rows? Or does the entire
worksheet need to be searched.

Finally, are you worksheets named "DATE 02.05.09" or just "02.05.09"?

Chip Pearson
Microsoft Most Valuable Professional
Excel Product Group, 1998 - 2009
Pearson Software Consulting, LLC
(email on web site)



I threw this code together quickly, so you'll need to test it to make
sure it is doing what you want.  I don't know how you plan on telling
the program what codes (i.e. "EAS", "LIN", etc.) to look for, so I
created a simple Array in the program.  The program assumes that the
value for each code is one column to the right of the code.  The
program also assumes you are searching within the UsedRange (i.e. all
cells that have been used at some point in time by the worksheet) to
find the codes.  Lastly, it assumes your summary data on the Summary
worksheet begins in A1.

I hope this gets you enough code to manipulate it to fit your needs.


Matt Herbert

Sub CustomFind()

Dim rngData As Range
Dim rngItem As Range
Dim rngFound As Range
Dim rngFirstFound As Range
Dim rngLastCell As Range
Dim rngListFound As Range
Dim wksSumm As Worksheet
Dim lngOutCnt As Long
Dim Wks As Worksheet
Dim strWksDate As String
Dim varMyArray As Variant
Dim lngJ As Long

'code to look for
varMyArray = Array("EAS", "LIN")

Set wksSumm = Worksheets("Summary")

'loop through each worksheet
For Each Wks In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
    'skip the worksheet if it is the Summary worksheet
    If Wks.Name <> wksSumm.Name Then
        'reset the Found ranges for each worksheet
        Set rngFirstFound = Nothing
        Set rngListFound = Nothing

        'get the date from the worksheet name
        strWksDate = Right(Wks.Name, Len(Wks.Name) - _
                    InStr(1, Wks.Name, " ", vbTextCompare))

        'set the range to look in for each worksheet
        Set rngData = Wks.UsedRange

        'get the last cell of the range
        Set rngLastCell = rngData.Cells(rngData.Cells.Count)

        'loop through the codes to find all occurances
        For lngJ = LBound(varMyArray) To UBound(varMyArray)

            'see "Remarks" in Find Method documentation
            Set rngFound = rngData.Find(What:=varMyArray(lngJ), _
                                        After:=rngLastCell, _
                                        LookIn:=xlValues, _
                                        LookAt:=xlPart, _

            If Not rngFound Is Nothing Then

                'rngFirstFound acts as a "marker" to identify when
                ' we have looped through all possible finds, i.e.
                ' we are back at the beginning again
                Set rngFirstFound = rngFound

                'if there is only one item that is found then the
                ' one item is the result of the find
                Set rngListFound = rngFound

                'get the next find; this may or may not exist
                Set rngFound = rngData.FindNext(After:=rngFound)

                'loop for all possible finds
                    'this is to catch if there is oneitem found as
                    ' well as to determine if we are at the beginning
                    ' "marker" of our find list
                    If rngFound.Address = rngFirstFound.Address Then
                        Exit Do
                    End If

                    'this is to add the multiple found ranges into
                    ' the rngListFound; union appendsthe new found
                    ' item range to the existing found item range
                    Set rngListFound = Application.Union(rngListFound,

                    'since we are in a loop, we need to set the
                    ' rngFound to the next find; thismay or may
                    ' not exist
                    Set rngFound = rngData.FindNext(After:=rngFound)

                'output results to the Summary worksheet
                For Each rngItem In rngListFound
                    With wksSumm
                        lngOutCnt = .Range
                        .Cells(lngOutCnt + 1, "A").Value = varMyArray
                        .Cells(lngOutCnt + 1, "B").Value = strWksDate
                        .Cells(lngOutCnt + 1, "C").Value =
rngItem.Offset(0, 1).Value
                    End With
            End If
    End If

End Sub

Thanks for all your help on this. This works great.


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